Brotherhood of Nod Wiki

The light infantry is the basic infantry unit of Brotherhood sides in Tiberian Wars.

The Brotherhood equips its soldiers with advanced body armour, protecting their torso, arms and hands as well as legs. The helmet is an advanced model, featuring an integrated communication unit, air filtration systems, infra-red viewing modes as well as faceplate protection, which was absent in GDI armor suits.

hey are armed with M16 Mk. II automatic pulse rifles in .22 caliber, developed basing on the M16 and GAU-3

CNCTS Light Infantry

Eliminator rifles used in the First Tiberium War. These rifles are faster firing, more durable, and have an integral multi-function projectile launcher.

The Light Infantry are the most easily massed unit in the game. They require only that the player build a Hand of Nod, and can be built in vast quantities in relatively little time. They have few abilities of note. They gain veterancy, which increases their firepower. At Elite status, they automatically scatter when engaged. When fired upon, they can go to ground - this decreases their movement speed (crawling) but increases their defense against incoming fire. However, they have less of an effect against vehicles and buildings. They also can't hit airborne or subterranean units. In multiplayer they are often used for scouting, denying scouting, early game rushes and defending from said rushes.
